Biuro29 Virtual Office
Address for your business from PLN 42 per month
A virtual office is a convenient service that allows you to use an office in the centre of a city, without the cost of renting it yourself and without hiring employees to operate it. BIURO29 has an address for your company, which at the same time will be its correspondence address, in 10 major cities in Poland. Choose an effective and proven business solution.

Kancelaria Gospodarcza Effekti Business Law Office
Launch your business in one day
Kancelaria Gospodarcza Effekti sp. z o.o., based in Poznań, has been providing comprehensive services for the establishment, sale and liquidation of companies for over ten years. The company also offers consulting services related to companies. The already established companies on offer are ready to start operations immediately. The company’s experience includes above 2 000 established, sold and liquidated companies.

PG Partner Gospodarczy Accounting Office
A proven accounting partner for your business
PG PARTNER GOSPODARCZY SP. Z O.O., based in Poznań, operates an accounting office that is present in 10 major cities in Poland. Its customers effectively optimize the cost of doing business, and are assured of efficient personnel and payroll services, as well as timely and correct tax returns. All this at very affordable prices.

A company in the Czech Republic
Launch a company in the Czech Republic with specialists
Skupina Farkas Česko s.r.o., based in Ostrava, specializes in starting up companies in the Czech Republic. With its services, the company also supports entrepreneurs in doing business in the country. The services provided include a virtual office in Ostrava, incorporation and sale of companies in the Czech Republic, assistance in establishing a business, translation (including interpretation), and car registration.